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Capsule endoscope basic knowledge and Chinese Capsule endoscope

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Capsule endoscope basic knowledge and Chinese Capsule endoscope

Birth of capsule endoscope internationally

User feeling defect of traditional endoscope calls for the birth of the new concept of capsule endoscope.

In the year of 1992, Dr. GavrielIddan who is a missile manufacturing engineer in Israeli firstly proposed the idea of capsule endoscopy. In September the same year the British gastroenterologist Dr. Paul Swain announced the concept of capsule endoscopy in gastrointestinal disease conference. After that Dr. GavrielIddan invited Dr. Paul Swain to form Given image Co., LTD.

In May 2000, Paul Swain reported the first usage of capsule endoscopy in the United States during digestive disease week (DDW) in August 2001.


Core Technology

The success of the capsule endoscopic imaging system is due to a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) imaging instrument, application specific integrated circuit ASIC, and a light-emitting diode (LED) lighting system. CMOS chip has very small size and energy consumption is minimal, but it can produce high-quality images. ASIC technology enables video transmitter to be integrated into the integrated circuit with the smallest volume and the lowest energy consumption. The combination of three technologies minimizes the power and energy supply problems to the greatest extent and therefore the capsule endoscope could do the examination of the entire small intestine under low energy supply.


Clinical usages:

From the view of clinicians, capsule endoscopy mainly meet these challenges: long time image reading, unidentified diagnosis standard and higher possibility of misdiagnosis. It leads to high cost of earning and application. However, computer aided diagnosis has created new opportunities for capsule endoscopy.

Computer recognition system can identify 97% vascular malformation and lymphangiectasia lesions.

And key data extraction, data screening and transmission, remote network diagnostic technology have further saved the transportation cost and diagnosis time, so as to standardize the capsule endoscopy diagnosis and created favorable conditions for intelligent capsule endoscopy.


Chinese capsule endoscope

As early as 2010, China has reported a magnetic control navigation gastroscope capsule by external magnetic field control movement in the stomach. 

The capsule endoscope system, based on the technology of multi-dimensional maneuvering mechanical arm and self-adaptive magnetic precise control system, is independently developed by China and has been put into clinical use in 2013.

Till 2014, 350 cases of gastroscope and magnetic control capsule endoscopy contrast research have been conducted in 7 centers in China. The research has systematically evaluated the application of the magnetic control gastric capsule endoscope. It is proved that this endoscope system has good diagnostic value in gastric disease. It has obtained the CFDA registration certificate of magnetron capsule endoscope system and it becomes the world's first magnetic control capsule endoscope for clinical application Capsule endoscope in China has a good application prospect

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